3 Good Reasons Why You Should Use Foam Board for Interior Design

how to use foam board in design interior style guide

Today we’ll be going over the benefits of using foam board for interior design. Many people are not aware that foam core boards are a great alternative to traditional drywall, plaster and lath, or even plywood.


Firstly, this type of board is much easier to cut than traditional construction materials; so if you’re trying to make custom pieces for your home or office it’s way easier.


Secondly, because the boards are so lightweight and easy to cut, you can take it with you and use it for temporary projects around your house. What this means is that if you’re doing a renos project and need a temporary wall or a bookshelf, this is a great option.


These boards are super inexpensive as well compared to drywall, plaster or lath; so if you’re working on a budget this is going to be your best choice.


A lot of interior designers use these boards, as they’re super versatile and can be used in so many different applications. 


For example: artists use them to create sculptures and craft projects, interior designers use them for temporary walls and shelving, schools use them for bulletin boards and art projects, dance studios, fitness centers, etc.


If you want to learn more about how you can incorporate foam core boards into your design plans go to www.foamcoremounts.com .


There you will find a huge array of foam core designs that are compatible with all of your equipment; such as Cricut machines, Silhouette machines, Inkscape and OpenSCAD software.


Of course, for all of your home or office projects you can get custom cut foam core boards from Foamcoremounts.com . We do everything from cutting foam core to hanging hardware; we even give you all the hardware necessary to hang your boards on the wall without nails or wood screws.


For all of your foam core needs go to www.foamcoremounts.com , and check out our huge selection of color options, shapes and sizes. You will also see a huge variety of pricing; so no matter what your budget is we can help you find the perfect board for your project. 


So if you want to learn more about foam core boards, check out our website and be sure to read our informational blog posts; they cover all sorts of topics concerning interior design and decorating.


Thanks for reading!

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