5 Ways Professional Painters Make Your House Look Good

professional painters guide by Pedini

We’ve all seen the pictures of people’s homes that they’ve painted themselves. It is not always pretty. Painting is tough, dirty work, and it takes a lot of time and effort to do it right.


Fortunately, there are solutions for those who are too afraid to paint their own house (or those for whom painting isn’t the highest priority). Professional painters can step in to do the job, and they take all of the guesswork out of it. I signed up with a local painting company when our new home came on the market. If you’re interested in learning more about their services and you have a few hours to spare, read on…


First off, let’s talk about who a professional painter is. They are not carpenters, plumbers or electricians; they’re painters. (This is not to imply that those other tradespeople won’t do a good job painting your home, it’s just a matter of the scope of what they’re used to doing.) The first thing they’ll do is look at your house and determine the best way to paint it.


The pros will put on protective gear and spray paint the siding to give them an idea of how much paint they’ll need. Then, they will choose the right paint color for you. Painting is a big investment, and you want the color to be right. It’s very hard to change the color of your house once it has been painted. You have to understand that different colors will look different in different weather conditions. 


If you’re hesitating between two colors, the pros will let you know which one will work best in your environment. They have all sorts of paint charts and miniature models that they’ll use to help with this process.


After the color has been chosen, the pros will walk around your house using their tools to see if there are any walls or windows that will benefit from staining or caulking. They’ll also look for any places that can use paint touch-ups on the siding and trim. This is a great time to fix any imperfections that you may have missed when you were in your previous home (or existing exterior).


Once they have chosen what needs to be fixed, they’ll get to it and make sure it’s perfect. They’ll be able to do touch-ups without much hassle, which will save you a bunch of unnecessary trips.


After that’s all done, the pros will go over it with a fine-toothed comb, checking for any other places where they can improve the look and feel of your house. They’ll check out the windows and doors to make sure they’re in good shape. They’ll also check if there are any other jobs that need to be done on the exterior.


For example, if your windows aren’t sealed properly or if the siding has any gaps, the pros will take care of it. This is such an important part of the process. No matter how pretty your house looks on the outside, nobody will even notice it if they can see that your house isn’t well-maintained on the inside.


They’ll also be able to do any repairs that are necessary and make sure that everything looks clean and well-maintained before they start painting. If you haven’t done any maintenance on your house recently, this is the time to get it done.

It’s important to remember that the pros are only focusing on what will improve the look of your house and make it look good. 


They aren’t looking for ways to cut corners or find cheap ways to make things look good. They want you to be happy with their work when it’s all said and done.


The first thing that the pros will do is take measurements of your house and make sure it’s fitted for its new look. They’ll make sure that the windows are all properly sealed, and that any large pieces of trim are not going to come loose from the house itself. This can become problematic if it’s left untreated.


Once they’re confident in what they need to do, they’ll start painting. The great thing about painting is that there are very few steps involved. The pros will roll out the paint and roll it across the siding, making sure that everything is covered evenly and completely. They will continue painting until the entire exterior is properly covered.


NOTE: After that’s done, they’ll clean up their paint supplies and make sure that everything is looking good. Then, they’ll leave a protective covering on your house for about two to three days to let it cure before coming back to inspect their work.