All You Need to Know about Underpinning Basement Cost


You’ve decided to add some extra space to your home, perhaps to accommodate a growing family, or maybe you just want to increase your property value. One of the most effective ways to do that is by underpinning your basement. But what is the underpinning basement cost, and how much will it take?

What is Underpinning?

At its core, underpinning is the process of strengthening the foundation of an existing building or structure. It might sound simple, but it’s a complex procedure that involves excavating sections beneath the current foundation and pouring new concrete to extend its depth or breadth.

Why Would You Need Underpinning?

Stabilizing a Structure

Over time, the ground beneath a building can shift. These shifts can lead to foundational problems that pose a risk to the structure’s integrity. Underpinning can stabilize the foundation and ensure safety.

Increasing Property Value

A deeper basement can provide added living space, which in turn can significantly increase your home’s market value.

Legal Requirements

Building codes or other local regulations may sometimes necessitate underpinning, especially if you’re planning major renovations.

Natural Soil Movement

The earth naturally moves over time, a process called soil settlement. Depending on how the soil settles beneath your home, it might compromise the structure’s foundation. This could lead to visible signs like cracks in walls or uneven floors.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Underpinning a Basement

Several factors determine how much underpinning will set you back:

  • Size and Depth: The larger and deeper the basement, the more materials, labour, and time you’ll need.
  • Soil Type: The type of soil plays a significant role. Some soils are harder to work with, and others might require more extensive excavation.
  • Accessibility: If your home is congested with limited access, machinery and labour costs may be higher.
  • Current Foundation Condition: Remedial work could increase the cost if your foundation already has significant issues.
  • Local Labor Rates: Costs vary based on where you live. Areas with higher labour rates will, naturally, have higher underpinning costs.

How Much Does It Cost?

While it’s challenging to give a precise figure due to the abovementioned factors, underpinning a basement can range from $10,000 to $50,000 and more. Getting a quote from a reputable contractor who can assess your situation is crucial.

The Return on Investment (ROI)

Given the initial outlay, you might wonder if underpinning is worth the cost. Many homeowners find the return on investment to be significant. An underpinned basement can increase property value by creating usable space, potentially adding bedrooms, bathrooms, or entertainment areas. Plus, the peace of mind comes from knowing your home sits on a secure foundation.

Steps to Ensure a Smooth Underpinning Project

  1. Hire a Professional: This isn’t a DIY project. Ensure your contractor has experience with underpinning and a good track record.
  1. Secure the Necessary Permits: Before starting any work, check with local authorities for necessary permits. It’ll save you potential legal headaches in the future.
  1. Budget Wisely: Always keep a contingency fund. Unexpected issues can crop up, and it’s good to be prepared.
  1. Stay Informed: Understand the process and timeline. Being in the loop helps you manage your expectations and ensures a smoother workflow.


Underpinning your basement can be a valuable investment, both in terms of property value and structural security. While the cost can vary based on numerous factors, the benefits, such as additional space, increased property value, and peace of mind, often outweigh the initial expense. Before diving in, research, hire the right professionals, and set a realistic budget. With proper planning, your underpinning project can be a resounding success!